Refresh and Restyle for Spring and what better way then to decorate your child's bedroom! Pacific Home Furniture has put together a nautical room for...
Happy New Year! Yes, I realize it is a bit later in the month for a New Year celebration, but I am wishing all of you a wonderful year ahead!Thank yo...
Reflecting on this year, can you believe it is just about over! As the days pass quickly by and we are embarking on Thanksgiving 2016, we like to reme...
Now that Fall is in full swing are you missing Summer? Just a little bit? The carefree feelings that can only come with the Summer season. The summer ...
Hello and thank you for stopping by the Coastal Blog today. Memorial Day is behind us and the official first day of Summer is June 20th. Do you have ...
Hello! How are you this weekend? Are you having spring fever like us here at Pacific Home Furniture? Winter is almost over and THANKFULLY it hasn’t be...
It's the beginning of a new month and January went by with a blink of an eye. Are you staying on track with your new years goals? We are working hard ...
Happy New Year to you! I’m hoping you have had a festive, but calm holiday creating many wonderful moments and memories. I’m so thankful to get back t...
Hello and happy Christmas week. Have you been enjoying all the Holiday festivities? I hope you are making many wonderful moments and memories this hol...
Hello and welome to the coasstal blog for Pacific Home Furniture! The holidays are rushing in and I’m not ready at all. Life can be so frantically bus...
Hello and how are you today? I am hoping your days and weeks leading into Autumn have been lovely. The heart of Pacific Home Furniture is everything ...
Hello and welcome to our Coastal Blog! Are you enjoying the start to the Fall season? We have been discussing a kitchen remodel at our home. Now this...